Carnegie Mellon University

BXA Intercollege Degree Programs

Interdisciplinary Academics + Arts

Additional Major Admission

The Engineering and Arts (EA) additional major is intended for College of Engineering students who also have interest and talent in an arts concentration and goals that can only be accomplished at the intersection of those disciplines.


  • Due Mid-Semester (every semester, admission is for the following semester). See below for important exceptions. Decisions are sent out in advance of registration for the following semester.

Application Contents and Criteria

  • Signed application indicating that the applicant met with a BXA advisor, the advisor in their proposed CFA concentration and with their current advisor.
  • Essay of Interdisciplinary Intent in which a student explains why they’re interested in the two areas and why they want to combine them. This essay should be brief—500 words or fewer—and specific about both a student’s background in their chosen areas and what their goals are for bringing them together.
  • Cumulative QPA of 3.0 is required for all BXA programs.
  • Pre-Application Coursework specified by school (see below). Completing an additional major demands advanced planning and preparation to determine the most appropriate semester to take requirements. Every applicant must take preliminary coursework in their target area before submitting the application.

Students must complete their first semester at Carnegie Mellon before applying for an additional major. This enables students to take required/recommended preliminary courses in their target area of concentration before being reviewed for admission.

Design is not an available EA concentration option.

EA dramaturgy only considers applicants in the fall semester for spring enrollment. Acting, design, directing, musical theater and PTM are not available options for EA drama concentrations [pdf].

BXA music performance only considers applicants in the spring semester for fall enrollment.

Students currently in the College of Engineering must consult with their Engineering advisor as well as the advisor in the CFA school they’d like a concentration in. We recommend that students take one or two courses in their target area of concentration before applying, and most CFA schools will require either a portfolio review or an audition. These reviews/auditions must be scheduled with the CFA advisor in that school.
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